The original Star Wars Trilogy is releasing in exclusive 4k Blu-ray SteelBook editions to celebrate Disney’s 100th anniversary in 2023. Here is a look at the packaging, release date, and list prices.
We’ve finally got the packaging artwork for the Limited Edition 4k Blu-ray SteelBooks releasing exclusively in the US at Best Buy. The original trilogy includes Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983).
The 3-disc combo editions from Disney/Buena Vista present each movie on 4k Blu-ray and HD Blu-ray, along with a Bonus Blu-ray Disc. We’re waiting to confirm if codes are provided to redeem digital copies via Movies Anywhere.
All three exclusive 4k Blu-ray SteelBook editions arrive in stores on May 2, 2023. Each 3-disc 4k Blu-ray SteelBook edition is priced $29.99 US.
The Star Wars franchise films were previously released on 4k Blu-ray in March 2020 in The Skywalker Saga 9-Film Collection and in single title editions from Disney/Buena Vista.

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