HomeBlu-ray Disc'Driving Miss Daisy' announced for Blu-ray

‘Driving Miss Daisy’ announced for Blu-ray

Driving Miss Daisy, 1989’s Academy Award winner for Best Picture, is finally parking (heh) itself on Blu-ray this winter. Warner Brothers has announced the Morgan Freeman/Jessica Tandy classic will arrive in high def digibook form on January 8. When a feisty white woman gets a black man to be her chauffeur in the segregated South, things get off to a bumpy start. We don’t wanna spoil the rest of the movie for you, but let’s just say the alien transformation and car explosion scenes are phenomenal. And yet, the film won no Oscars for special effects! It did nab statues for Best Adaptation and Makeup, though. Full specs aren’t known yet, but we know a new featurette, audio commentary, vintage documentaries, and trailer will be a part of the package. Amazon has it up for pre-order right now at $19.59. Buckle up!!

Sam Jordan
Sam Jordanhttps://hd-report.com
Sam Jordan is a freelance writer, editor, and comedian.


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