Bewitched: The Complete Series on Blu-ray Disc has been pushed back once again. The 22-disc set from Mill Creek Entertainment is now scheduled for release on July 8, 2025, after at least two previously expected release dates of September 17, 2024 and February 4, 2025.
All 254 episodes of the classic TV series “Bewitched” have been remastered in high definition, presented in 1080p; (HD) at 1.33:1 aspect ratio with DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0.
“Bewitched” was created by Sol Saks and stars Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha Stephens. The series ran for 8 seasons on ABC, premiering on September 17, 1964 and ending on March 25, 1972.
The 22-disc edition celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the show that premiered in 1964, and includes the extras “Bewitched: Behind the Magic,” 16 new episodic audio commentaries, and exclusive 36-page booklet.
Bewitched: The Complete Series on Blu-ray Disc carries an MSRP of $159.99, on sale for $82.52 from Amazon.
Description: Elizabeth Montgomery is Samantha Stevens, a witch who decides to try living a mortal’s life as a suburban housewife to her ad-executive husband Darrin. Dick York portrayed her loving husband for the first five seasons and was replaced by Dick Sargent for the final three of the series. Samantha swears off using witchcraft which doesn’t sit well with her mother Endora (Agnes Moorehead), who sees her son-in-law ‘Derwood’ as a hindrance.
Extra Features
- Bewitched: Behind the Magic – An all-new documentary about the making of Bewitched, featuring special guest appearances by actor David Mandel (Adam Stephens), Steve Olim (who worked in the Make-Up Department at Columbia), Bewitched historian Herbie J Pilato, film and television historian Robert S. Ray, Bewitched guest star Eric Scott (later of The Waltons), and Chris York, son of D. York (the first Darrin).
- 16 New Episodic Audio Commentaries: Herbie J Pilato serves as moderator during “behind-the-scenes” conversations with Peter Ackerman (son of Bewitched executive producer Harry Ackerman), David Mandel, Bewitched guest star Janee Michelle (from “Sisters at Heart”), Steve Olim, Robert S. Ray, former child TV actors and Bewitched guest stars Ricky Powell (The Smith Family), Eric Scott (The Waltons), and Johnny Whitaker (Family affair, and Sigmund and the Sea Monsters), and Chris York (son of D. York).
- Exclusive 36-page Booklet featuring pieces by Bewitched historian Herbie J. Pilato, as well as an episode guide.

Bewitched: The Complete Series
Season One
Disc 1
I, Darrin, Take This Witch Samantha
Be it Ever So Mortgaged
It Shouldn’t Happen to a Dog
Mother Meet What’s His Name
Help, Help, Don’t Save Me
Little Pitchers Have Big Fears
The Witches Are Out
Witch or Wife
The Girl Reporter
Just One Happy Family
It Takes One to Know One
And Something Makes Three
Disc 2
Love is Blind
Samantha Meets the Folks
A Vision of Sugar Plums
It’s Magic
A is for Aardvark
The Cat’s Meow
A Nice Little Dinner Party
Your Witch is Showing
Ling Ling
Eye of the Beholder
Red Light, Green Light
Which Witch is Which?
Disc 3
Pleasure O’Riley
Driving is the Only Way to Fly
There’s No Witch Like an Old Witch
Open the Door, Witchcraft
Abner Kadabra
George the Warlock
That Was My Wife
Illegal Separation
A Change of Face
Remember the Main
Eat at Mario’s
Cousin Edgar
Season Two
Disc 4
Alias Darrin Stephens
A Very Special Delivery
We’re in for a Bad Spell
My Grandson, the Warlock
The Joker Is a Card
Take Two Aspirins and Half a Pint of Porpoise Milk
Trick or Treat
The Very Informal Dress
And Then I Wrote
Junior Executive
Aunt Clara’s Old Flame
A Strange Little Visitor
Disc 5
My Boss, the Teddy Bear
Speak the Truth
A Vision of Sugar Plums
The Magic Cabin
Maid to Order
And Then There Were Three
My Baby, the Tycoon
Samantha Meets the Folks
Fastest Gun on Madison Avenue
The Dancing Bear
Double Tate
Samantha, the Dressmaker
The Horse’s Mouth
Disc 6
Baby’s First Paragraph
The Leprechaun
Double Split
Disappearing Samantha
Follow That Witch (Part 1)
Follow That Witch (Part 2)
A Bum Raps
Divided He Falls
Man’s Best Friend
The Catnapper
What Every Young Man Should Know
The Girl with the Golden Nose
Season Three
Disc 7
Nobody’s Perfect
The Moment Of Truth
Witches & Warlocks Are My Favorite Things
Accidental Twins
A Most Unusual Wood Nymph
Endora Moves In For A Spell
Twitch Or Treat
Dangerous Diaper Dan
The Short Happy Circuit Of Aunt Clara
I’d Rather Twitch Than Fight
Oedipus Hex
Disc 8
Sam’s Spooky Chair
My Friend Ben
Samantha For The Defense
A Gazebo Never Forgets
Soapbox Derby
Sam In The Moon
HoHo The Clown
Super Car
The Corn Is As High As A Guernsey’s Eye
Trial And Error Of Aunt Clara
Three Wishes
Disc 9
I Remember You – Sometimes
Art For Sam’s Sake
Charlie Harper, Winner
Aunt Clara’s Victoria Victory
The Crone Of Cawdor
No More Mr. Nice Guy
It’s Wishcraft
How To Fail In Business With All Kinds Of Help
Bewitched, Bothered And Infuriated
Nobody But A Frog Knows How To Live
There’s Gold In Them Thar Pills
Season Four
Disc 10
Long Live The Queen
Toys In Babeland
Business, Italian Style
Double, Double…Toil And Trouble
Cheap, Cheap
No Zip In My Zap
Birdies, Bogies And Baxter
Safe And Sane Halloween
Out Of Sync, Out Of Mind
That Was No Chick, That Was My Wife
Allergic To Ancient Macedonian Dodo Birds
Disc 11
Samantha’s Thanksgiving To Remember
Solid Gold Mother-In-Law
My What Big Ears You Have
I Get Your Nanny…You Get My Goat
Humbug Not To Be Spoken Here
Samantha’s Da Vinci Dilemma
Once In A Vial
Snob In The Grass
If They Never Met
Hippie Hippie Hooray
A Prince Of A Guy
Disc 12
Mc Tavish
How Green Was My Grass
To Twitch Or Not To Twitch
Tabitha’s Cranky Spell
I Confess
A Majority Of Two
Samantha’s Secret Saucer
The No-Harm Charm
Man Of The Year
Season Five
Disc 13
Samantha’s Wedding Present
Samantha Goes South for a Spell
Samantha on the Keyboard
Darrin, Gone and Forgotten
It’s So Nice to Have a Spouse Around the House
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Samantha’s French Pastry
Is It Magic or Imagination?
Samantha Fights City Hall
Samantha Loses Her Voice
Disc 14
I Don’t Want to Be a Toad, I Want to Be a Butterfly
Weep No More My Willow
Instant Courtesy
Samantha’s Supermaid
Cousin Serena Strikes Again (Part 1)
Cousin Serena Strikes Again (Part 2)
One Touch of Midas
Samantha, the Bard
Samantha, the Sculptress
Mrs. Stephens, Where Are You?
Disc 15
Marriage Witches Style
Going Ape
Tabitha’s Weekend
The Battle of Burning Oak
Samantha’s Power Failure
Samantha Twitches for UNICEF
Daddy Does His Thing
Samantha’s Good News
Samantha’s Shopping Spree)
Samantha and Darrin in Mexico City
Season Six
Disc 16
Samantha and the Beanstalk
Samantha’s Yoo Hoo Maid
Samantha’s Caesar Salad
Samantha’s Curious Cravings
And Something Makes Four
Naming Samantha’s New Baby
To Trick Or Treat or Not to Trick Or Treat
A Bunny for Tabitha
Samantha’s Secret Spell
Daddy Comes to Visit
Disc 17
Darrin the Warlock
Samantha’s Double Mother Trouble
You’re So Agreeable
Santa Comes to Visit and Stays and Stays
Samantha’s Better Halves
Samantha’s Lost Weekend
The Phrase Is Familiar
Samantha’s Secret Is Discovered
Tabitha’s Very Own Samantha
Super Arthur (Feb. 5, 1970)
Disc 18
What Makes Darrin Run
Serena Stops the Show
Just a Kid Again
Generation Zap
Okay, Who’s the Wise Witch
A Chance on Love
If the Shoe Pinches
Mona Sammy
Turn on That Old Charm
Make Love, Not Hate
Season Seven
Disc 19
To Go or Not to Go, That Is the Question
Salem, Here We Come
The Salem Saga
Samantha’s Hot Bedwarmer
Darrin on a Pedestal
Paul Revere Rides Again
Samantha’s Bad Day in Salem
Samantha’s Old Salem Trip
Samantha’s Pet Warlock
Samantha’s Old Man
The Corsican Cousins
Samantha’s Magic Potion
Sisters at Heart
The Mother-in-Law of the Year
Disc 20
Mary, the Good Fairy
The Good Fairy Strikes Again
The Return of Darrin the Bold
The House That Uncle Arthur Built
Samantha and the Troll
This Little Piggie
Mixed Doubles
Darrin Goes Ape
Money Happy Returns
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Samantha’s Psychic Pslip
Samantha’s Magic Mirror
Laugh, Clown, Laugh
Samantha and the Antique Doll
Season Eight
Disc 21
How Not to Lose Your Head to Henry VIII (Part 1)
How Not to Lose Your Head to Henry VIII (Part 2)
Samantha and the Loch Ness Monster
Samantha’s Not So Leaning Tower of Pisa
Bewitched, Bothered and Baldoni
Paris, Witches Style
The Ghost Who Made a Spectre of Himself
TV or Not TV
A Plague on Maurice and Samantha
Hansel and Gretel in Samanthaland
The Warlock in the Gray Flannel Suit
The Eight Year Itch Witch
3 Men and a Witch on a Horse
Disc 22
Adam, Warlock or Washout
Samantha’s Magic Sitter
Samantha Is Earthbound
Serena’s Richcraft
Samantha on Thin Ice
Serena’s Youth Pill
Tabitha’s First Day at School
George Washington Zapped Here (Part 1)
George Washington Zapped Here (Part 2)
School Days, School Daze
A Good Turn Never Goes Unpunished
Samantha’s Witchcraft Blows a Fuse
The Truth, Nothing But the Truth, So Help Me, Sam