Monthly Archives: May, 2011

The Big Lebowski Limited Edition to release on Blu-ray

The Big Lebowski will release as a limited edition Blu-ray Disc on August 16, 2011. The Coen Brothers cult-status film has been remastered in...

Time Warner offering ‘Gnomeo and Juliet’ in 3D On Demand

Time Warner Cable is now offering Gnomeo and Juliet in 3D On Demand.

Damages Season 4 to premiere on DirecTV

Sony Pictures' award winning TV series "Damages" will begin its fourth season on July 13th, 2011. The premiere episode will air on DirecTV’s the...

COD Modern Warfare 3 trailer revealed

Looking more epic than ever, Activision has revealed the first trailer for "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3." The Manhattan setting for the trailer has got all the drama of a show like "24" along with amazing special effects you find only in the highest quality Hollywood film releases. 'Modern Warfare 3' is set to release on November, 8, 2011.

Blu-ray Picks of the Week for May 24th

This week on Blu-ray Warner Bros is offering up some goodies worth of the format ("Papillon", "Grand Prix"). Criterion also puts two older titles on Blu-ray ("The Great Dictator", "Solaris"), and that’s always worth a mention for the loving care they give their releases; however, if you own the already awesome DVDs, you need to consider the extra spend for what amounts to minor improvements at best.

Get ‘Ocean’s Trilogy’ on Blu-ray half-price

The Ocean's Trilogy on Blu-ray Disc is half-priced this week as Amazon's Blu-ray Deal of the Week. The list-priced $35.99 box set with three hi-def BDs containing "Ocean's Eleven" (2001) "Ocean's Twelve" (2004), and "Ocean's Thirteen" (2007) is now priced at $17.99

‘Titanic’ getting 4k remaster in 3D

Its' the second highest earning film of all time and now its getting remastered in 4K and converted to 3D. Paramount Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox, Lightstorm Entertainment and James Cameron will release "Titanic" in 3D worldwide on April 6, 2010. The theatrical release will mark the 100th anniversary of the Titanic's maiden voyage on April 10, 1912.

DirecTV field-testing new RVU Media Center

DirecTV is field-testing its new RVU-enabled server which would create a "receiver-less" and streamlined environment for customers.

Dish offering free Blockbuster trial

With all the madness surrounding the PSN outage and the excitement of the NBA playoffs we had almost forgotten about the Dish Network acquisition of Blockbuster. Well, Dish has made its first move to rebuilding the Blockbuster brand by offering three months of free Blockbuster By Mail. But there's a hitch.

Kindle books now outselling paper books

Amazon has reached an interesting milestone as the company announced they now sell more digital Kindle Books than paper books.
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