Here’s a list of game releases for PS3 and Xbox 360 systems for November, 2010. Highlights include James Bond: Blood Stone (Nov. 2), Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nov. 9), The Sims 3 (Nov. 9), Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (Nov. 16), and LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3 – Nov. 16). The first week in November also marks the launch of Microsoft Kinect on Nov. 4.
Nov. 2
Bakugan II (PS3, 360)
Dance Dance Revolution (PS3)
DC Universe Online (PS3)
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 2 (PS3, 360)
Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
James Bond: Blood Stone (PS3, 360)
Megamind: Ultimate Showdown (PS3, 360)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (PS3, 360)
SingStar Dance (PS3)
Tron: Evolution (PS3, 360)
True Crime (PS3, 360)
Nov. 4
Microsoft Kinect hits shelves
Nov. 9
Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3, 360)
Deadliest Catch: Sea of Chaos (PS3, 360)
The Sims 3 (PS3, 360)
Nov. 16
Apache (PS3, 360)
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (PS3, 360)
Brunswick Pro Bowling (360)
Create (PS3, 360)
Death Drive (PS3, 360)
EA Sports Active 2 (PS3, 360)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (PS3, 360)
Human Body (PS3, 360)
LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)
Man vs. Wild (PS3, 360)
Marvel Superhero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (PS3, 360)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3, 360)
Nov. 23
Driver: San Francisco (PS3, 360)
Splatterhouse (PS3, 360)
Nov. 30
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom (PS3, 360)