Narrated by Oprah Winfrey (as opposed to the naturalist David Attenborough when aired across the pond), the first part of the series, “Challenges of Life,” provides an overview of the survival strategies developed by the various life forms on Earth. While those with a flat-Earth mentality won’t appreciate the BBC’s Darwinian take on it all, the documentary is a showcase for real natural science and doesn’t flinch from the dark side of nature… the beauty of life and the grim finality of death are show in equal measure, though the first episode mainly focuses on the utter determination of all living things to just simply stay alive. If you loved what BBC/Discovery did with Planet Earth, you won’t want to miss Life.
HD-Report will have a full review of the first episodes of the series soon, stayed tuned!
To learn more about how and why this spectacular series was created, check out this overview: “The Wonders of LIFE” with photos, video, episode guide, schedule, behind-the-scenes interviews.
The Wonders of LIFE: Discovery Channels 11-Part Series