I would like to know how Apple counts? When HDTV first came out there was 1080p as HD and 720/780p as ED. Apple TV is Enhanced Definition not High Definition. If ATV were 1080p then there would be something to shout about. As it is, it will be a long time before it is a household device. I have heard this from many others but let’s hear it from Apple!! – Jens24
Published Feb 13, 2008: “Now you can rent HD movies from Apple for $4.99. The high definition format is apparently 720p, which is upconverted to 1080p. The sound format is Dolby Digital 5.1 surround. The download takes forever though, unless you have cable internet or Verizon Fios (fiber optic). Apple claims that at 6mbsp you can start watching in a minute. At 2mbsp you’re looking at 2 hours. At dial-up speed forget it, you may as well go to bed.”