We like to report on new text, phone, and email scams trying to collect personal information for nefarious uses. This is called phishing, which is essentially an attempt to gain names, passwords, browser history, and other information by deceiving the user.
This time, a bunch of texts are going out that pretend to be from Apple and/or Apple iCloud. The texts include a URL that if clicked on appears to go to a website called appleverification.info. But, users get redirected to a different URL 3checksolution.top, where the website would attempt to collect information or possibly install malware on your desktop, laptop, or phone.

The final destination was not working, so we didn’t pursue the phishing attack further. However, what you should be aware of is that the phone number may not be familiar to you, the website URL is not Apple (you can tell by the TLD “info” that’s not apple.com), and the final destination is obviously not Apple.

The above image shows two different texts from different phone numbers that attempt to get users to click through to the website URLs. Don’t click on anyone of them, and report the numbers as Junk so you don’t get future texts from the same numbers.
Although this website is focused on home media, we occasionally report on scams that come our way in the hopes of proactively warning our readers. Education about hacking and scams has become especially important at a time when most TV and movie services require usernames and passwords when content is delivered over the internet or cellular networks.
Also Read: How Do You Know If This ‘Amazon’ Text Message Is Real Or A Scam