HomeGamingWill Cyberpunk 2077 Be The First Next Generation Game?

Will Cyberpunk 2077 Be The First Next Generation Game?

The best thing that could have happened to developer CD Projekt Red would have been for the game to have a quiet E3 2018 showcase. If more of the people who saw the game and expressed concern regarding it or even reported that the title was “too early to call,” then CD Projekt Red might have been able to keep the game’s hype train on the rails.

That didn’t happen, though. Instead, just about everyone who witnessed the closed doors gameplay demonstration of the upcoming RPG came away from it talking about how the next game from the folk hero developers of the mythical The Witcher 3 might just be as good as fans everywhere hope it will be. In an industry where cynicism is a consumer caution and at an event where every big game is vying for the spotlight, Cyberpunk 2077‘s showing had people positively buzzing.

In fact, the game was so impressive that some people are wondering whether CD Projekt Red will be able to properly pull it off on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

First things first; the Cyberpunk 2077 development team have confirmed that they fully intend for Cyberpunk 2077 to be released for current gen consoles. Actually, game designer Patrick Mills said that “The current console generation is what we’re aiming for.” For PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners everywhere, that’s a comforting statement.

However, it’s also a bit of an evasive one. Most developers would have no problem just saying “We don’t even know what the next generation consoles will be. Cyberpunk 2077 will, of course, be coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox.” Mills didn’t say that, though. He said, “The current console generation is what we’re aiming for.”

That twinge of indirectness was amplified recently when the studio revealed what kind of PC the game’s demo was running on. We’ll skip the specifics and get to the point; you’re going to need an absolute beast of a gaming computer to run the final version of Cyberpunk 2077 with every graphical feature turned to the max. Even the mighty Xbox One X will likely need to flex all its mechanical muscles in order to run the game at its full potential. The PS4 Pro might not even be able to get that far.

All of that is enough to make you wonder whether or not CD Projekt Red has looked into the future of gaming consoles and returned to our time with a game designed for those devices. To put it another way, it’s beginning to look like the ideal way to play Cyberpunk 2077 will be on a next-gen console or on an especially powerful gaming PC. That has many believing that we are looking at the first next-gen video game when we look at Cyberpunk 2077.

Is it true? There’s no official answer to that question at this time, but based on the evidence available, it’s hard to imagine a world in which Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t made available for both current consoles and next-gen devices. So far as we can tell, though, the ideal way to play this potential masterpiece is going to be on a console that we can’t quite even imagine yet.

You know, we really are starting to wonder how much more hype Cyberpunk 2077 can stand…

Matthew Byrd
Matthew Byrdhttps://hd-report.com
Matthew Byrd covers the gaming industry including indies, consoles, PCs, iOS and Android apps, as well as topics related to entertainment and technology. He also writes for IndieGameSource and DenOfGeek, and has his own blog at PixelCritique.com.


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