Sling TV launched for Xbox One earlier this month, but the software release wasn’t without flaws. For one, new subscribers had trouble using an American Express card number as a form of payment. Sling says they have resolved this issue.
Another problem was that many Xbox One users were seeing an “Error 12-11.” This error has apparently been addressed and Sling says that in order to resolve you should simply re-attempt to log-in. Restarting the app may also help if not successful.
Sling TV users on Xbox One may also be seeing other errors that begin with “8.” Sling says they are working to fix those errors as well.
The app for Sling TV is available at the Xbox Live store and can be downloaded free-of-charge. Upon sign-up, new subscribers get a free month of Sling TV, courtesy of Microsoft.
Xbox One is the first gaming console to support the Sling TV app.