Fans of director Quentin Tarantino are in for a treat this November. Lionsgate (and what’s left of Miramax) set a street date of November 20th for an 8-film Blu-ray boxed set highlighting the bulk of Tarantino’s work to-date. Of course, this precedes (and is set up as fan-bait for) the December 25th release of Django Unchained, the “Southern” that stars Jaime Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio and Christoph Waltz.
The Blu-ray release also shines a spotlight on the 2oth anniversary of Reservoir Dogs. It’s kind of hard to believe 20 years have flown by since that landmark films release on October 23, 1992, and boy do I feel old just writing that… Still, Reservoir Dogs put Tarantino on the filmmaking map as a director to watch and it’s a film that holds up remarkably well in terms of visceral excitement (the acting is uneven, probably due to the tyro director who was, let’s face it, a better screenwriter at the time, which makes the leap in QT’s directoral prowess all the more amazing once Pulp Fiction hit the screens two years later… quite the contrast).
The 10-Disc Tarantino XX: 8-Film Collection (as it’s officially known) contains the following:
- Reservoir Dogs
- True Romance
- Pulp Fiction
- Jackie Brown
- Kill Bill Vol. 1
- Kill Bill Vol. 2
- Death Proof *
- Inglourious Basterds
“…also features two discs with five hours of all-new bonus material, highlighted by a critics’ retrospective on Tarantino’s groundbreaking catalog of films and “20 Years of Filmmaking” that contains interviews with critics, stars and other masters of cinema.”