In the first episode titled “Young at Heart” contestants voted off goat-rancher Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff 9-1. The younger team, La Flor, won the immunity challenge against the older team called Espada. Host Jeff Probst introduced the Medallion of Power these season, which allows an advantage during immunity challenges.
If you’ve already seen enough of the Survivor concept (which seems to be getting old after 20 seasons) the show is still a great watch in high-definition. With high production value and a chance to see some gorgeous footage of Nicaragua, Survivor still has something that may never go away. That is, a chance for all of us to get a taste of exotic locations.
Survivor 21 was filmed between June 14 and July 22, 2010. There will be 15 episodes this season, The second episode titled “Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All” starts tonight, Sept. 22 at 8:00 PM on CBS.