If you have any money left this week after picking up Assassin’s Creed 2 and Left 4 Dead 2, you could do a lot worse than grabbing Peggle for $9.99 and the Peggle Nights expansion for $4.99 this Thursday from the PlayStation Network. Peggle is what I like to call a “poison ivy” game. Once you stumble across it, you’ll have to scratch the addictive itch for weeks.
Xbox 360 owners have had the original Peggle for a while, but PopCap is keeping gamers hooked by releasing the Peggle Nights expansion for 400 points ($5.00) on XBLA November 18th. Since PlayStation 3 owners have, up until now, been free of the Peggle itch, they should technically be more productive than Xbox 360 owners. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate any studies to support that theory.
After picking up Critter Crunch on PSN back in September, I’ve developed a new fondness for puzzle games. I really enjoyed Critter Crunch’s online multiplayer, so I might pick up Peggle just for the online Peg Party mode where four people can try to out bounce each other simultaneously.
Peggle and Peggle Nights Add-On Pack for PlayStation Network
The PlayStation Network edition of Peggle brings all the compelling gameplay action of the original PC version, including 55 levels of ball-bouncing madness, 10 unlockable Peggle Masters, Quick Play mode, Duel mode, and 75 Challenge mode levels. For non-stop competitive action, players can choose from two multiplayer options: two-player Duel mode, or Peg Party mode, where up to four players can compete against one another simultaneously.
Peggle Nights, the award-winning follow up to Peggle, transports players into the ‘dream worlds’ of each of the Peggle Masters. With five beautifully rendered and themed levels for each character’s secret dreams and aspirations, Peggle Nights also introduces Marina, an eleventh Peggle Master. The Peggle Nights add-on* for PlayStation Network allows players to enjoy all the levels and challenges in the original PC version of the game and more: 60 levels of Peggle Nights content in the exclusive multiplayer modes; Peggle Nights Adventure mode, including the Nights story; 60 Peggle Nights Challenges; the trophy room; adventure statistics; and three new PlayStation Network trophies.
Additionally, the PlayStation Network versions of Peggle and Peggle Nights offer Remote Play capability and XMB(TM) support, allowing gamers to stream their own music during gameplay as well as view and play Peggle and Peggle Nights on the PSP(PlayStationPortable) system and PSP (PlayStationPortable) go system. Players can also take advantage of YouTube integration to upload and share replay videos of their best and wildest shots and scores.
Peggle Nights Content Pack for Xbox LIVE
Peggle Nights is also being offered as premium downloadable content for Peggle on XBLA*, the phenomenally popular game hit launched on Xbox LIVE Arcade last spring. Peggle Nights features all the great gameplay of the original PC version and more, including new Peggle Master, Marina, as well as the ability to battle friends and foes, and compare Peggle prowess in the four-player Peg Party and two-player Duel modes. The game also features 60 Peggle Nights levels for multiplayer over Xbox LIVE and all single player/local modes; the Peggle Nights Adventure mode, including the Nights story; 60 Peggle Nights Challenges; the trophy room; adventure statistics; and three new Xbox achievements.
The Peggle family of games is available across numerous platforms, including PC, Mac, Web, video iPod, iPod® Touch, iPhone(TM), 650 models of mobile feature phones and smartphones, Nintendo DS, the PlayStation Network, and Xbox LIVE Arcade.