the game will get exclusive access to multi-player mode ‘Extraction’ at launch. The mode will be unlocked for other players one month after the game is released.
“Army of Two: The 40th Day” is a sequel to “Army of Two” which was released in March of 2008. ’40th Day’ has improved player movements, partner AI, weapons usage, and boasts a more robust multiplayer experience.
The game will give you four unique player modes (“Army of Two” had three). One mode called ‘Extraction’ puts a team of four players against a series of unique enemy fronts. The players must strategize as a team in order to win.
The narrative of the game focuses on Salem and Rios, two private military contractors who must fight their way out of the city of Shanghai which is being toppled by Jonah, the mastermind behind the 40th Day Initiative.
“Army of Two: The 40th Day” will be released for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PSP.