HomeSatellite HDDIRECTVDirecTV Drops Local FOX Broadcast of World Series Game 3

DirecTV Drops Local FOX Broadcast of World Series Game 3

directv-no-need-to-call-us-world-series-720px Tonight at about 9:50 pm Pacific Time the DirecTV feed of the World Series from FOX was dropped. Yup. Just a black screen appeared as J.D. Martinez stepped up the plate for the Red Sox with one out.

Then, a slate was put up with the following message: “No Need To Call Us. Service will be resolved as soon as technical difficulties are resolved.”

We can confirm the DirecTV dropout occurred at least in the Phoenix/Scottsdale areas. If you had trouble also please let us know in the comments below or via Twitter.

However, for those of you with the channel still black you can still watch the game on the Sports Mix Channel 205. Just be sure to highlight the channel with your remote to hear the audio. It’s only a sixth of the size of a full screen image, but at least you can keep up with the game!


Did you lose the local FOX feed of Game 3 of the World Series? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. “Norton” as the antivirus is viewed as extraordinary compared to other antivirus suites accessible available. To ensure our significant information and online data from cybercrime and robbery, it gives different highlights

  2. LOST IT??? I never could even find it. WTH, it’s the friggin World Series!! DTVN’s service bad enough during the playoffs… this is absolutely ridiculous!!!

  3. OK so it wasn’t just DirecTV. Figured as much. It’s really strange that it dropped at different times throughout the game. This has happened before with FOX. Why does it happen during World Series???

  4. We lost coverage in the bottom of the 17th inning. Got nothing but the screen not to call DIRECTV that if was a technical problem and would resume when fixed. Missed the bottom of the 17th and all of the 18th, the LAST inning of a Historic World Series game and the Dodger win. Was so mad and still am will probably cancelled Directv after 21 years. It’s not the same since AT&T took over. We live in the greater Palm Springs Area.

  5. We were watching FOX channel in Virginia on Comcast. At exactly 11 pm, est, world series game 3 abrupting switched to PAID PROGRAMMING (fitness program!) Game never came back.
    So much for FOX.


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