Free previews of channels are always welcome, especially when they include movies or shows that can be DVR’d and watched later. This month Dish has a bunch of free previews happening, starting on July 6th with some networks staying live through August 29th.
The previews begin with World Fishing Network (from Dish’s Outdoor Pack) on Channel 394. That preview runs from July 6th through August 1st.
On July 20, BBC America (from America’s Top 200 package) will be available on Channel 135 and free through August 29th.
Now the goodies. Starting on July 21st, both HBO and Cinemax will be available free to Dish subscribers until July 24th. The free preview will fall within the range of the second week of Game of Thrones Season 7, with Episode 7.2 premiering on Sunday, July 23rd (Season 7 begins one week earlier on July 16th, but during the preview period customers should be able to watch Episode 7.1 On Demand).
Here’s a breakdown of the free previews this month and channel locations on Dish.
July 6 – August 1
World Fishing Network (Channel 394)
July 20 – August 29
BBC America (Channel 135)
July 21 – July 24
HBO (Channels 300 – 309)
Cinemax (Channels 310 – 315)
Be sure to tune-in to the HD versions of the channels if available!