HomeStreamingGoogle PlayGoogle Play Offers 50% Off One Movie Rental Or Purchase

Google Play Offers 50% Off One Movie Rental Or Purchase

google-play-rentals-jason-bourne-pets-petesWant to rent a movie for next to nothing? Google Play is currently offering 50% off any movie rental from the Google Play Movies store. Or, get a great deal on purchasing a new movie in HD with 50% off.

Some new releases you might want to check out are Pete’s Dragon, The Secret Life of Pets, and Jason Bourne. Those movies are normally priced $5.99 to rent in HD, or $19.99 to purchase in HD. Take 50% off and you can rent for $3 each or purchase for $10 each.

For those of you with a supporting TV or device (such as Chromecast Ultra), The Secret Life of Pets can also be purchased in UHD for $15 (50% off the regular price of $29.99). The 4k service was just launched today with over 125 movies in Ultra HD for customers in the US and Canada.

Google is ending this deal on January 31, 2017, and, titles rented must be watched within 30 days. There is a limit of one half-price rental or purchase per customer.

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