HomeBlu-ray Disc'Game of Thrones Season 4' Blu-ray & DVD Package Art Unveiled

‘Game of Thrones Season 4’ Blu-ray & DVD Package Art Unveiled

Game-of-Thrones-Season-4-Blu-ray-DVDIt looks like we have the finalized package art for Game of Thrones: The Complete Fourth Season on Blu-ray Disc and DVD. The Blu-ray edition, to our delight, includes access codes to download Digital HD copies for viewing on PCs and mobile devices. As indicated by the blue label on the outside wrap, the digital copies must be redeemed by February 28, 2018.

HBO recently announced a release date of February 17, 2015 for Game of Thrones: The Complete Fourth Season. This is consistent with the previous second and third seasons that were released February 19 and February 18, respectively.

Pre-order discounts on Game of Thrones: The Complete Fourth Season are fairly consistent across most major retailers: Best Buy, Walmart, Target and Amazon(see current pricing below) all have the Blu-ray edition priced at $44.99 (a 44% discount). The DVD edition is priced $37.99 at Best Buy and Target, but $3 cheaper from Amazon and Walmart at $34.96.

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