Netflix subscribers must love science fiction and the movies directed by the Wachowski siblings, because the magic 8-ball (read: massive member usage database) at Los Gatos company seems to have said as much and Sense8, a new original series from the minds of the Wachowskis (The Matrix Trilogy, V For Vendetta, Cloud Atlas) and Michael J. Straczynski(creator of Babylon 5), will be showing up on Instant Watch in 2014.
The Wachowskis will be acting as showrunners and writing at least the first few episodes (perhaps more depending on other projects), while Straczynski will be producing the initial 10-episode run through his company, Studio JMS. Netflix describes the show as “a gripping global tale of minds linked and souls hunted,” and with the Wachowskis involved you just know there will be plenty of mind-bending concepts and trippy action along the way. This continues Netflix’s aggressive push into the kind of original programing that has become the hallmark of premium cable networks such as Showtime and HBO, but also of other cable nets like AMC and FX, among others.