Monthly Archives: March, 2011

Facebook the new streaming service?

Warner Bros. has started offering streaming movies via their Facebook movie page for "The Dark Knight" -- the first studio to launch such a...

DirecTV to expand on-demand library

DirecTV will expand its video-on-demand library by adding more movies and TV shows, that according to The Hollywood Reporter. The satellite company will also...

On Blu-ray this week: Inside Job, Jackass, Excalibur

Not a huge week for blockbuster movies on Blu-ray Disc (although the boys from Jackass would argue that). But, there are a few movies...

Time Warner Cable adds NBC shows On Demand

Time Warner Cable has added entire seasons of NBC shows to its Primetime On Demand lineup. Hit series like Parks & Recreation (Season 3) and Parenthood (Season 2) are now available and free to watch for TMC Digital customers.

Comcast rolling out Xfinity TV in Spanish

Comcast is rolling out Xfinity TV in Spanish on television, On Demand and streaming online for subscribers. The company has also launched online content...

Finally, ‘Lord of the Rings’ extended Blu-ray

After teasing us with the release of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy on Blu-ray Disc in theatrical form, New Line has announced the...

Dish loses 17 networks as LIN pulls plug

If you had trouble finding local news on your channel lineup this weekend, here's why. LIN Media pulled the plug on 17 local networks...

Time Warner Cable NYC adds 3 HD channels

Time Warner Cable NYC added three more HD channels to their lineup this week, including Oxygen HD, Sundance HD and Wedding Central HD. The...

Cox launches HBO nets online

Cox Communications has launched HBO, HBO GO and MAX GO for subscribers with internet access. The online service offers over 1400 titles from HBO...

Sony blows out 2010 Bravia HDTVs

How about taking $1000 off a 46" 3D HDTV? Sony is blowing out 2010 model Bravia HDTVs on their website The biggest discount...
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