Network joint venture Hulu also blocked access from Google TV-enabled devices, although representatives from both parties are apparently in talks to provide the subscription-based Hulu Plus service.
Google TV’s competitor in this new market is Apple TV. And although Apple TV launched with limited content from ABC and FOX, they seem to currently have more to offer than Google TV in terms of premium TV content.
The networks have a valid concern. Google has not proven it can provide income using their content on Google TV. And although Google pressed the networks to optimize their website content to work on Google TV before its launch, the networks didn’t buy into it. In response to the networks blocking access, a Google spokesperson said in a statement, “It is ultimately the content owners’ choice to restrict their fans from accessing their content on the platform.”
HDNet’s Mark Cuban chimed in about what Google and Apple TV should do saying “the future of TV is TV” but that both companies need to find a way to “change the game, not play the same old game.” He suggests the two companies find an alternative to traditional TV, which could be found in gaming and its social implications.
I bought the Sony – Google TV for family for Holidays. It has cable access directly so I fail to see point of article. I hope Hulu plus as application but it available through Chrome browser so again I fail to understand the article and think author does not own one.