HomeNews"MotorStorm" Shows PlayStation 3 Potential

“MotorStorm” Shows PlayStation 3 Potential

While it may not be the deepest off-road racing game ever made, it certainly is the most beautiful. “Motorstorm” is the type of killer app that Sony has desperately needed since it launched PlayStation 3 last year. It’s an arcade-style mud-slinging racer that pits ATVs and motorcycles against rally cars and big rigs in a crash-induced joust to the finish line. The environments are photorealistic and the game’s only running in 720p. I just wonder how good the sequel will look in 1080p.
“Motorstorm” is the type of game that showcases the visual fidelity of PS3. It also features excellent online play for up to 12 players (although you can’t fill in extra race slots with AI bots, which is a shame). But more than anything, it’s just plain fun and addictive. Other than “Resistance: Fall of Man,” Sony has had a dearth of exclusive games that warrant the $60 price tag or even buying a PS3 (for those not interested in viewing Blu-Ray Disc movies, that is).
This racing game shows that Sony still knows how to publish great games. It’s the kind of game that’s as much fun to sit and watch someone play as it is to play itself. And it’s also challenging. One thing that’s not highlighted as much about PS3 (and Xbox 360, for that matter), is that the advanced processing power and memory allow developers to create more lifelife artificial intelligence. This results in offline drivers that will hit you and remember when you hit them. Factor in the elaborate crashes that occur in slow-motion to take in all the pieces flying about, and you have a racer that will challenge even the most veteran gamers.
Off-road fans are in for more next gen racing this fall as Sega readies “Sega Rally Evo” and Codemasters brings a new game, “Dirt,” featuring rally racing legend Colin McRae to PS3 and Xbox 360.
Source: AllthingsHiDef.com
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