HomeStreamingMaxHBOMax Snags Exclusive Justice League #TheSnyderCut

HBOMax Snags Exclusive Justice League #TheSnyderCut

Zack-Snyder's-Justice-League-teaser-stillEver since word of a “Snyder Cut” of DC’s Justice League fans have been pushing for an official release of the version. Today, @HBOMax retweeted @snydercut with a teaser trailer that slates the film for 2021.

In fact, Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) is now an official title on IMBD with the description “Zack Snyder’s director’s cut of Justice League (2017).” The version is currently in post-production and is estimated to cost $20-$30M.

To explain briefly the origin of the “Snyder Cut,” Zack Snyder never finished Justice League (2017) due to a family tragedy. To keep the film on schedule for release to theaters, director Joss Whedon was brought on for reshoots and completion on the film.

Many DC fans were not happy with how Justice League turned out, and a campaign emerged once word of the original director’s cut existance. The hashtag #releasethesnydercut appeared everywhere online, at Comic-Con, and even in the sky.

If the “Snyder Cut” is anywhere near as good as the teaser HBOMax will no doubt get a surge in subscribers upon release.

HBOMax launched in May 2020 with TV series such as Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and Game of Thrones, as well as movies from DC, TCM, licensed titles from HBO, and other networks. The service costs $14.99 per month and is available on mobile devices, TVs, and PCs.

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