Want to add some HD or 4k movies to your digital library on a shoestring budget? Here are 20 titles that are heavily discounted during Google Play’s “Summer Movie” sale. Most new movies are $20 in Digital 4k, so these recent hits are a steal at up to 50% off. Google lists about 70 titles in the sale but here are 20 choice selections.
Not sure if your TV or device supports 4k/HDR? See this list of supporting Google Play devices.
Google Play Digital 4k/HD Movies Deals
- Kin – $5.99 (4k)
- John Wick – $6.99 (4k)
- Blindspotting – $7.99 (4k)
- Book Club – $7.99 (HD)
- Sicario – $7.99 (4k)
- A Quiet Place – $7.99 (4k)
- The Hitman’s Bodyguard – $7.99 (HD)
- Eighth Grade – $8.99 (HD)
- John Wick: Chapter 2 – $9.99 (4k)
- The Meg – $9.99 (4k)
- Small Foot – $9.99 (4k)
- Teen Titans Go! To the Movies – $9.99 (4k)
- Crazy Rich Asians – $9.99 (4k)
- Bumblebee – $10.99 (4k)
- Sicario: Day of the Soldado – $10.99 (4k)
- Mission: Impossible – Fallout – $10.99 (4k)
- Justice League vs. The Fatal Five – $10.99 (4k)
Please note titles and prices can change at any time.