As a film, 2017’s Ghost in the Shell admirably translates the original movie’s animated design splendor into live-action but fails to replicate the animated version’s intelligence, charm, and compelling underlying philosophy. Scarlett Johansson and a couple of other key players are clearly trying to make the weak script work, but between forgettable action sequences and way too many scenes featuring characters repeating the same tired idea, you’ll find it hard to draw much pleasure from the movie’s quality visuals.
However, those quality visuals have never looked better than they do on this Blu-ray version of the film which may just be the best pure transfer that you’ll find on store shelves. Whether or not this disc’s technical majesty is enough to justify a purchase really depends on just how much you want to show off what your home entertainment set-up is capable of achieving.
Read our slightly belated full review of Ghost in the Shell on Blu-ray.