Netflix has launched a new rating system geared at making it easier for viewers to rate the titles they like or dislike. The thumbs up/thumbs down system resembles YouTube’s rating method that only allows users to choose either option, however there is no in-between for those who may have mixed or lukewarm feelings about a title.
Regardless, Netflix suggests the thumbs up/thumbs down method makes it easier for the company to know what users like, and helps with providing more personalized suggestions based on what they button they choose.
Things seem a lot more black and white these days. The boolean-like system has replaced YouTube’s long standing five-star rating method which, upon looking back, gave a lot more wiggle room for giving titles C or B grades. Now, it’s either an A or F.
The thumbs rating system can be accessed on the main detail page of a specific title, or, in the enlarged hover state of a thumbnail (as seen in the screenshot above).
Netflix has also launched a new Skip Intro option that lets viewers bypass the introductions to some series titles.