Anime series such as “Dimension W,” “My Hero Academia” and “Attack on Titan” are now available on the Fire TV platform through the newly-launched FunimationNow app channel. The anime shows and movies, both subbed and dubbed, can be viewed with or without ads depending on a viewer’s subscription.
FunimationNow is available in two paid subscription tiers starting with the Subpass plan at $4.99 per month that includes ad-free streaming in HD, all subtitled anime including simulcasts, and unlimited device streaming (subtitled only). Their more expensive All-Access Pass is $7.99 per month but adds all English-dubbed anime, unlimited device streaming (subbed and dubbed), Funimation Broadcast Dubs, and exclusive video extras.
The channel also has free subscription viewing with commercial interruptions and a limited anime library.
“We are thrilled to partner with Amazon to enable more anime fans to experience our content on their TVs,” said Mike DuBoise, Chief Operating Officer of Funimation.