HomeMovie NewsOriginal 'Star Wars' Trilogy Headed to Theaters This Summer

Original ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy Headed to Theaters This Summer

star wars a new hope posterHere’s something Star Wars fans can look forward to this summer. Film distributor Alamo Drafthouse plans to bring the original three films to at least 20 cities this coming August. The “Return of the Trilogy” roadshow program will also include curated video content before and in-between each film, with contests and props to go with it.

Sound like a Star Wars love-fest?

The films will be shown in their edited 1997 “made-for-DVD” format, when lots of CGI “improvements” were made and footage removed or replaced to ensure continuity with the prequel films. For many, Lucas’ decision to alter the original films from their original state was an unholy act, thus ruining the authenticity of the film’s historical impact. (Learn more about changes to the original films? Go to this Star Wars wikia page.)

There have also been some “fan-made” restorations of the original films made including TeamNegative1’s painfully restored version of the original 35mm print of ‘A New Hope.’ How amazing would it be to see what took TeamNegative1 three years to restore on the big screen? Or possibly on Blu-ray? Maybe someday it could happen, but not likely while George Lucas is alive. (Read more about the restoration on this Reddit stream.)

But seeing the 1997 (DVD) editions of the original Star Wars trilogy on the big screen will be a treat for both Gen X and Millennials alike. And, Drafthouse plans to run the films sequentially in either triple features or three back-to-back nights (see the current schedule below).

“Seeing the original trilogy on the big screen for the first time is a real life-altering event and just a supreme amount of fun,” saidHenri Mazza, Alamo Drafthouse Vice President of Special Events. 

Tickets are most likely to sell out quickly, so be ready when they go on sale for most markets on May 4th at ReturnOfTheTrilogy.com. Look for the promotion “Star Wars Day: May the 4th Be With You.”

Here’s a list of dates and cities announced:

August 6 – San Francisco, CA / The Warfield

August 6 – Kansas City, MO / The Midland Theatre

August 6 – Washington, D.C. / Warner Theatre

August 6 – Los Angeles, CA / The Theatre at the Ace Hotel

August 6 – New York, NY / The Town Hall

August 6 – Miami, FL / Olympia Theatre

August 6 – San Antonio, TX  Majestic Theatre

August 7 – New York, NY / Kings Theatre

August 7 – Dallas, TX / Majestic Theatre

August 11 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts (A New Hope)

August 12 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts (The Empire Strikes Back)

August 13 – Austin, TX / The Long Center for the Performing Arts (Return of the Jedi)

August 13 – Philadelphia, PA / The Keswick Theatre

August 13 – Louisville, KY / Brown Theatre

August 20 – Oakland, CA / Paramount Theatre

August 27 – Boston, MA / The Boston Opera House

Date TBD – Houston, TX / Venue TBD

Date TBD – Denver, CO / Venue TBD

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