HomeStreamingGoogle PlayGoogle’s short-documentary EMIC is free on Google Play

Google’s short-documentary EMIC is free on Google Play

“What would you want to remember if you left Earth?”

This a question answered by videographers and filmmakers from around the world in the short-form documentary EMIC. The 12-minute film is an Interstellar X Google Play collaboration that collages video submissions to serve as a time capsule for future generations. EMIC was directed by David Brodie with creative direction from Angus Wall. Christopher Nolan is credited as curator for the documentary. The film is available to watch free in SD or HD resolution on Google Play, and although a good portion of the footage is low quality the global nature of the content makes it worth viewing.

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  1. EMIC IS BUILT UPON A DISEMPOWERING PREMISE. “The earth is going to dissapear at some point, eventually?” WTF? For those who decide to leave earth, goodbye! you are the cause of things not working on earth now, you think earth is going to die and because of your fear you start exploiting it to create an escape plan instead of investing on the harnessing of the potential of the truly complete being and system it really is. Earth is a living being not a dead object, we are part of it´s system. Earth will stay whole forever. Your fear is what is driving the earth to an end in your OWN state of consciousness. Carry on but stop using resources that are generating disruption on the balance of earth. Earth is our home and it is from here that we may evolve into higher beings, explore the universe and so on. The potentials of earth and our bodies outweigh any kind of advanced technology any industrial complex in the galaxy may come up with. Invest your time in awakening earth’s power, our human power. If not please pack up and leave, wish you the best! Did not even watch the movie, for me it is just based on a total human dis-empowering premise I am not part of and do not support.


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