The Blu-ray Disc version of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is set for release in Japan this Thursday. That fact, however, has not stopped small leaks of information from being released about the FFXIII demo included on the disc. The biggest news so far is that Square-Enix has confirmed a ‘Winter 2009’ release for the full game. Now, most likely, this pertains only to the Japanese release. But the good news is the earlier the Japanese release, the earlier we see it here in North America.
The Blu-ray version of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children has a June 7th release date in North America. The video will be presented in 1.78:1 1080p AVC and will feature both English and Japanese Dolby HD 5.1 soundtracks. According to the release documents the Blu-ray will include the following:
• “Legacy of FINAL FANTASY VII” Featurette
• “Reminiscence of FINAL FANTASY VII” Original Story Digest
• On the Way to a Smile – Episode: Denzel Animated Film
• “Reminiscence of FINAL FANTASY VII Compilation” Story Digest
• Exclusive Sneak Peek at FINAL FANTASY XIII
• Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete Trailers
• Final Fantasy XIII Demo