Monthly Archives: February, 2012

‘Citizen Kane’ collector’s edition $28.99 at Amazon this week

Is Citizen Kane the greatest movie ever made? Does it still stand the test of time? And how does it stack up against the timeless technical mastery of say, Norbit? These questions and more can now be answered for $28.99 as Citizen Kane: The 70th Anniversary Ultimate Collector's Edition has undergone a 55% price cut for Amazon's Blu-ray Deal of the Week.

‘The Phantom Menace’ 3D Blu-ray out this spring?

Somehow, someway, it appears George Lucas is ready push yet another button on his loyal fan base. Just months after the dust up over the changes made to the films for the long-awaited Blu-ray release of the complete saga, there's a strong rumor that Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace will be quickly released on 3D Blu-ray after its current run in theaters wraps up. Pocket-lint reports the film will likely replace Avatar as the bundled film of choice with Panasonic Blu-ray players, though whether it'll be an exclusive is unknown.

Netflix adding Weinstein titles to streaming library

Netflix will soon add titles from The Weinstein Company to its streaming library, thanks to a mult-year deal announced yesterday.

What people are saying about the PS Vita

With the worldwide launch of the PS Vita happening today, you might be asking yourself "Self, is there a new handheld gaming system in my future?" As you await the response from Sal, your alter ego, we'll go ahead and help you make that decision with a comprehensive(ish) look at what critics and their alter egos are saying about Sony's newest creation.

Watch Netflix on PlayStation Vita

With the official launch of the PlayStation Vita this week comes the availability to stream movies from Netflix on the portable gaming device. PS Vita owners can download the free Netflix app from the PlayStation Store, and link their existing account or sign up for a free trial.

SSX demo now on Xbox Live, PSN

Snowboarding is definitely harder than it looks, sure. But downloading the new SSX demo? Pretty easy. EA's reboot of the over-the-top snowboarding simulation is now available on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. Take control of classic SSX character Zoe Payne and carve your way through the Race It, Trick It, and Explore It modes.

MI4 – Ghost Protocol announced for Blu-ray, VOD, UltraViolet

Paramount has announced the release date for Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol will be April 17, 2012. The film will be available on Blu-ray Disc and DVD, as well as VOD, Digital Download, and UltraViolet.

The Godfather Collection on Blu-ray only $25

Today only, The Godfather Collection (The Coppola Restoration Edition) Blu-ray Edition is only $25

Mad Men returning for Season 5 – trailers released

Mad Men will return for Season 5 on Sunday, March 25. The two-hour premiere will start at 9pm Eastern, an hour earlier than its usual 10pm time. The premiere episodes are appropriately titled A Little Kiss, Part 1 and Part 2.

New Netflix streaming titles in February

Every month we suggest a bunch of new titles available from Netflix's streaming library. This month they've added some must-see movies such as Chinatown...
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