A fair warning though, the Facebook polling app will ask to access all your personal information including friends, picture, shared info, and other profile information. Why can’t we just vote and be done with it? Just a couple days left on the voting so if you’re interested use the above link.
Here are the maps you can vote on for the beta:
1: OverpassAs the Lambent infection spreads across Sera, the planet is qu
2: Old TownSome remote areas of Sera managed to stave off the impact of E
3: MercyThis area was once a bustling town square filled with people, but
4: TrenchesThe Locust have begun to carve mines and tunnels into the rock
Gears of War 3 is scheduled to launch Sept. 20, 2011 and two days later in Japan on Sept. 22.
Oh, and check out the recently revealed box art below.