It’s time to clear some space on the DVR. Both Cinemax and HBO are offering free previews this weekend starting Friday, June 19th and ending on Monday, June 22nd.
On HBO, viewers can watch the season finale of Cold War 2.0 on Friday evening, check out the first and second episodes of True Detective Season Two, catch up on Game of Thrones episodes, and see the premiere of the action film John Wick on Saturday night.
On Cinemax, A Walk Among the Tombstones starring Liam Neeson is a new arrival, as well as the drama A Civil Action starring starring John Travolta, and all three Robocop films. In addition, viewers can binge-watch all three seasons of Banshee and Strike Back.
Participating service providers include AT&T U-verse, Comcast’s Xfinity TV, Cox, DirecTV, Dish, and Verizon FIOS among others. Check your guide to see if you’re getting the Cinemax & HBO previews this weekend. If you are, please let us know in the comments.