Tech Tips

Here’s a list of random tech tips for your consumer electronics devices. Save electricity, customize your HDTV settings, tweak your DVR. If you’ve got a tip, contact us!

720p or 1080i broadcast?
With DTV, you can find out what video format the broadcast is by pressing “Info” on your remote.

Arghh! My DVR missed the end of the game!
Do you frequently miss the end of games because your DVR stops recording? Try setting it to record the show(s) immediately following!

Heat destroys electronics!
Make sure your equipment has proper ventilation. If not, consider installing a cooling fan. – JC

Netflix on PS3
To determine the streaming speed of Netflix content on your PS3 press the “Select” button on your remote.

Red Dead Redemption Cheat Codes
Cheats for Red Dead Redemption can be activated at any point in the game, but will not allow you to save or gain trophies.

Reduce Surfing Time!
Most guides will allow you to filter out standard-def channels or customize to be child-proof. – JC

Save Electricity!
Most HDTVs are shipped with factory settings set to maximum brightness and backlight. Adjust to a setting that suits the existing ambient light.


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