Apple TV 4k vs. Apple TV 4th-Gen Comparison


Apple TV 4k vs. Apple TV 4th-Gen.

Spec Comparison

Apple TV 4k (2017) Apple TV (4th Gen 2015)
Siri Remote with Voice Search Yes Yes
Video 2160p (60fps) w/HDR
(Dolby Vision & HDR10)
1080p (60fps)
Audio Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 Dolby Digital Plus 7.1
Processor A10X Fusion chip w/64-bit (quad-core) A8 chip w/64-bit (dual-core)
Memory 2GB 2GB
Storage 32GB / 64GB 32GB / 64GB
Ports/Network 3 (HDMI HDMI 2.0a, Gigabit Ethernet, 10/100BASE-T Ethernet, USB‑C) 3 (HDMI 1.4, 10/100BASE-T Ethernet, USB‑C)
Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0 Bluetooth 4.0
Wi-Fi 802.11ac Wi‑Fi w/MIMO; simultaneous dual band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) 802.11ac Wi‑Fi w/MIMO
Third Party Controllers Yes Yes
Gaming Support Yes Yes
Operating System tvOS 9.0 tvOS 11.0
Dimensions 1.4” x 4.9” x 3.9” 1.4” x 4.9” x 3.9”
Weight 15 ounces 15 ounces
Price $179 (32GB) $199 (64GB) $149 (32GB) $199 (64GB)

Comparison chart Copyright 2017 by HD Report. Please include link back and/or credit to HD Report for usage.


The Apple TV 4k streaming player (announced Sept. 12, 2017) supports 2160p video, offering 4-times the resolution of the 4th-generation Apple TV at 1080p. The Apple TV 4k will also playback 4k HDR content encoded with either HDR10 (the open standard) or Dolby Vision (a propriety technology). The new chip in the Apple TV 4k is a quad-core A10X Fusion chip with 64-bit architecture. Network bandwidth is improved with Gigabit Ethernet support as well as simultaneous dual band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) Wi-Fi. Bluetooth has been upgraded to 5.0 from 4.0. HDMI is now HDMI 2.0a in order to support 4k with High Dynamic Range. The default operating system is tvOS 11. Storage stays the same with 32GB and 64GB options, however, RAM memory is increased to 3GB from 2GB in the 4th-generation Apple TV. Apple TV 4k is available starting Sept. 22, 2017. See Apple TV 4k prices on Amazon.

Also Read: Our Comparison of Apple TV to Apple TV (4th-gen).

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